RCM Hero

State of the art bilingual, multi-specialty, healthcare solution specifically designed and developed for the improved patient care at primary and tertiary healthcare centers. It provides complete automated installation of Seamless and Integrated Health Information System (HIS) for small, medium and large sized Hospitals, Dental Facilities and Outpatient Primary health care clinics.

HIS is one such system that has all the facilities from patient registration (at the time of admission) to the final financial clearance (at the time of discharge) and everything that happens all along the patient journey and compliant to NPHIES.

IT Services
Enterprise App Development

Why Choose Onasi HIS?

  • Integrated with Certified RCM
  • One for All care Faculties
  • Multi Specialty & Bilingual
  • Improved Patient Care
  • Informed Decision Making
  • Optimized performance
  • Integrations

    - PACS

    - Patient Portal

    - SMS

    - TeleMedicine

  • AI Bot
  • Reduce Pilferages
  • Paperless Environment
  • Accurate Information Delivery
  • Scalable Available
  • Sustainable Investment
  • Flexible for Customization
  • Deployments

    - SAAS

    - Cloud based

    - On premises

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ONASI simplifies decision making, streamlines operations, and ensures compliance with industry standards and best practices, ultimately saving time and effort to maximize value and returns.

Our Achievements